So I have been receiving questions about what dreamers can do to help... Many want to help, but don't know where to begin and others are too scared to be involved for risk of getting too involved and being deported..... But what's going to happen if no one ever does anything? What if time keeps progressing, things stay the same, you life begins to pass you by, you can't go to school, can't get a job, can't help out society in any kind of way? Then you'll be forced to begin doing things against the law like working under the table, if you even want to stay here, always fearful of what could happen to your life any day, always feeling like you don't have any freedom, forever. Is that what you will allow to happen? For all the dreams to stay as dreams, and even worse, to fade away?
We only live once. Do you it to be wasted, and never reach your full potential?
Don't make excuses. Don't say you're too involved with school or your "job," because in the end if the Dream Act doesn't pass... You will have nothing.
Take a stand, I cannot stress it enough....So what do, dreamers? There is a lot to be done, its more like where do I begin?
I have posted on the right upper-hand side of this blog important links to check out. There are three basic things that I will suggest that are easy to handle, and they will make a BIG difference.
1. Sign the Dream Act petition, here. And forward it to your closest friends, so they will too.
2. If you have a facebook, become a fan of the dream act, here. Join, and suggest it to all of your friends. Fans matter because awareness is KEY. A lot of people have never even heard about the act and making them knowledgeable about it will gain more supporters.
3. Call your local congressman and ask him to support the Dream Act, you can find a step-by-step guide to calling him/her here. If you're scared that they will somehow track you down and deport you (which is pretty ridiculous and probably won't happen) ask a really close friend that is legal to do it for you. It'll bring that congressman to make better decisions about it, seeing it's importance.
There you have it, 3 simple things you can do that will make a BIG difference. Simple, easy, effective.
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